Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Second Day of Christmas: Do You See What I Hear?

This post is in response to the PhotoPlay Challenge/High Calling Focus.  We were invited by Kelly Sauer to photograph the sounds we heard this holiday season...

So much of my advent season was filled with silence.  Not a deafening, defeating silence, but a hopeful, expectant silence that allowed me to deeply connect with each task at hand.

This year, I spent time making gifts of poetry and photos, in various packaging.  I heard tears flowing freely, uncontainable laughter, words of encouragement, joyful song and restful space.

I spent time photographing
feathers and lace around our pretty tree.

I wrote a poem

and made an art box for my daughter.  I heard questions, MORE uncontainable laughter, secrets, hopes, dreams, girl-drama and a lot of Taylor Swift music.

I did not hear too much meow-ing.
Cache, unused to supervising my home projects
at such great length, was pooped.
Lucie was hiding.

I made creme de menthe brownie cupcakes, an adaptation of a recipe Nanny used to bake for me.  I thought about all of the wonderful Christmas Eves we celebrated in Nan and Pop's tiny kitchen apartment, 12 of us smushed elbow-to-elbow around the long table.  I can still smell the smelts, the baccala, the stuffed calamari, the shrimp, the aiglio e oglio... Nan, thanks for all you did for us without sitting down once to take a rest.  I really miss you and think of you everytime I cook for someone and it warms their heart.

Tori made my gift this year, too.
*cue tissues*
Love that girl,
a true wonder of God's creation
in the center of my heart!

The richness and depth of the sounds of silence...
Merry Christmas!

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